Google Classroom


These instructions explain how to use Google Classroom to complete a TechnoKids project. There are four steps that guide you through creating a classroom, uploading TechnoKids files, creating assignments, and viewing student work. You must have already downloaded a TechnoKids project from TechnoHub. If you have not, refer to Getting Started.

steps to use google classroom

Step 1 Create a Class

Follow these instructions to create a Class in Google Classroom and invite students to join. If you plan to use an existing class to complete a TechnoKids project, skip ahead to Step 2.

  1. Visit Google Classroom.
  2. Click Sign into Classroom and enter your credentials.
  3. TIP | If you are already signed into Google, click the Apps launcher and select Classroom from the list of apps. If prompted, read the usage notice. Check the box and click Continue.
  4. Click Create or join a class. Choose Create class.
  5. create class

  6. Complete the dialog box to enter a class name, section, subject, and room.
  7. create class dialog

    TIP | Make sure these details are exactly how you want them before your students join the class. Making changes later may result in sync issues causing problems with class access.
  8. Click Create.
  9. You will see the Class Stream page:
  10. Google Class Stream

    NOTE | A Classroom folder is added to your Google Drive. Any classes that you create are added to this location. When you post assignments, they are also added to this location.

When a Class is created a code is generated and shown in the Class Code area on the Stream tab. Provide the code to students to have them join.

    Google Classroom Code

  1. Click the square brackets [ ] beside the code. This enlarges the code for easy viewing.
  2. When students sign into Google Classroom, they will click Join class and enter the code.

You can send an invitation by email for students to join a Class. They will need to open the email message and click Join.

  1. Click the People tab above the class banner.
  2. People tab

  3. Click add student in the Students section.
  4. Add email addresses of the students you wish to invite.
  5. email invite

  6. Click Invite.

Step 2 Upload Files into the Class

Now that you have a Class you must upload the TechnoKids Resources for students. All the files for completing a TechnoKids project are in one folder. It contains worksheets, templates, and/or sample files. When you completed Step 1 Create a Class, Google automatically made a folder in your Google Drive that is the class name. Follow the instructions to post files to this location. Afterwards, you may need to convert templates to a native Google format if they part of the project you are teaching.

  1. Go to the place where you downloaded the TechnoKids project from TechnoHub. The folder must be unzipped.
  2. TIP | If you have not completed this step, refer to Step 1 Get Your Files from Getting Started. It explains how to download TechnoKids files with tips on how to unzip a folder on a Windows or Chromebook device.
  3. Open the extracted TechnoKids project folder. It has a path like this:

    category-project > version
    For example: jnr-candy > Google

  4. Open the TechnoProject Resources folder.
  5. select resources folder

  6. Locate the folder that is the name of the project. For example, if you are teaching TechnoCandy the folder is called Candy. Whereas, if you are teaching TechnoMe the folder is called Me.
  7. resources

  8. Now you know which folder you need to upload into your Google Classroom. Inside it are worksheets, templates, and samples. You will attach these files as part of a Google Classroom Assignment.
  9. workbook folder

Each TechnoKids project includes resource files that are designed for students. These are required to complete the activities.

  1. In Google Classroom, select the Class that will be completing the TechnoKids project.
  2. Click the Classwork tab.
  3. tabs classwork

  4. Click Class Drive folder.
  5. class drive folder

  6. Click New. new button
  7. Choose Folder upload.
  8. new menu

  9. Browse to the location of the extracted TechnoKids project folder. It has a path like this:

    category-project > version
    For example: jnr-candy > Google

  10. Open the TechnoProject Resources folder.
  11. select resources folder

  12. Select the folder that is the name of the project. For example, if you are teaching TechnoCandy the folder is called Candy. Whereas, if you are teaching TechnoMe the folder is called Me. Click Upload. If prompted, click Upload in the confirmation dialog box to authorize the upload.


Some projects have templates that are used as a starting point for an activity. They are in Office format such as .doc, .ppt, or .xlsx. It is recommended that teachers convert these files into a native Google format such as Docs, Slides, or Sheets.

  1. In Google Drive, open the Project folder you just uploaded.
  2. Click on a template. It will open in the Google source program.
  3. Convert Templates

  4. From the File menu, pick Save as Google Docs (Slides, Sheets). The file opens in a new browser tab in native Google format.
  5. Close the open template tabs to return to Google Drive. You should see the native format version of the file. You may need to refresh your screen. IMPORTANT | You will share the converted file with students when creating assignments.
  6. Delete the Office version of the template from the folder to avoid confusion when attaching to assignments later. To identify the Office file look for the extension(s) .doc, .ppt, or .xlsx.


Sometimes you lose your files. You have downloaded them, but you do not know where they have gone. The good news is that TechnoKids has created a standard file name for all downloaded files. It is technokidsMMDD. For example, the search term technokids1013 will find a file downloaded on October 13 from TechnoHub on your device. Please note, if you do not know the date, just type technokids when searching.

  1. Click Search in the Windows taskbar.
  2. Type into the search box, where MMDD is the month and day the file was downloaded.
  3. As you type, matching files will be displayed in the search results.
  4. Click the arrow beside the file name.
  5. Choose Open file location.

  1. Click the Launcher icon on your Chromebook.
  2. In the Search box type (Where MMDD is the month and day the file was downloaded).
  3. As you type, matching files will be displayed in the search results.
  4. Press Alt+click to produce the shortcut menu. Click Open.

Step 3 Create Assignments with TechnoKids Files

To prepare to teach a TechnoKids technology project, read the Teacher Guide. This document includes preparatory steps, material list, lesson plans, and answer keys. Once familiar with the activities, you are ready to create assignments in Google Classroom.

To start, review the TechnoKids assignment. Use the flowchart and questions to determine the Google Class Assignment settings you must apply.

Create Assignment flowchart

  1. Does the assignment have step-by-step instructions only?
  2. Does the assignment include questions students must answer?
  3. Does the assignment require a template that each student needs to produce unique work?
  4. If the task uses a TechnoKids template, has it been converted into a native Google format? (If not, refer to Step 2)
  5. Does the assignment require a sample that students view?
  6. Does the assignment have students create a new file using Google Apps?

Create an assignment by providing a description of the task. Attach the assignment file along with any templates or sample files to the post.

  1. Open the Class in Google Classroom.
  2. Google Classroom

  3. Click the Classwork tab.
  4. tabs classwork

    IMPORTANT | The Stream tab is best used for sending messages to students. When creating assignments you MUST USE the Classwork tab. This will allow you to select the option Make a copy for each student when adding assignments.
  5. Click Create and choose Assignment from the menu.
  6. Classwork Menu

  7. Type the TechnoKids Assignment name as the title. For example, A1 Spreadsheets and You. In the instruction box, explain the task. You may wish to add text from the start of the assignment.
  8. Text you may want to include:
    • Open the attached worksheet and follow the instructions to...
    • Open the attached worksheet in Kami. Type in your answers. IMPORTANT: You must SAVE your answers.
    • Use the attached template ___ to complete the task.
    • In the Your work section, click the Add or create button. Select ___ (e.g. Sheets). Click the newly created file to complete your work.
    • Open the file ___ created in Assignment ___. Follow the instructions to continue to work on...
    • When done, view Assignment ___. Submit your work by clicking the Turn in button.
    • When done, view Assignment ___. Click Add or create. Select the file from Google Drive (or paste a link to the file).
    • TIP | You may want to tile your screen so you can see Google ___ (e.g. Docs) and the worksheet at the same time.
    • TIP | To find your work look in My Drive > Classroom > Class Name > Student Name - Filename.

  9. Attach the TechnoKids worksheet. It is located in the Project > Workbook folder. You should have already uploaded this folder to Google Drive in Step 2.
  10. how to create an assignment

    1. Click attachment , and choose Google Drive.
    2. Select My Drive.
    3. Open the Classroom folder.
    4. Open the path Class > Project > Workbook.
    5. Select the assignment and click Insert.
    6. Open the Project folder uploaded in Step 2. Open the Workbook folder.
    7. Select the worksheet that matches the assignment number. Click Insert. For example:

  11. Set viewing options based on the assignment:
    • Step-by-Step Instructions Only | Set the option to Students can view file.
    • Includes Questions | Set the option to Make a copy for each student.
    TIP | If you do not see the Make a copy for each student option , GO BACK and start over. You are not on the Classwork tab (but likely on the Stream tab).

  12. In the right pane, set a point value, due date, and topic if desired. To decide the points:
    • Number of Questions | Assign a value based upon the number of questions students must answer on the worksheet.
    • Daily Work | Many TechnoKids projects have students complete a task over a series of assignments. In which case, you are only grading the final product. You may wish to set this type of assignment to ungraded or allocate a daily work value such as 5.
    • Marking Sheet | The majority of TechnoKids projects have a marking sheet for the final product. It is located in the Assessment folder. If the assignment has students submit their finished file such as a report or newsletter, allocate the value on the marking sheet.
    • set points, due date, and topic

    TIP | Create a topic that is the name of the TechnoKids project. (e.g. Candy). This will help to keep assignments organized by project.
  13. OPTIONAL | IF the assignment requires a template or sample, repeat the steps to insert the file. These resources are located in the Project folder uploaded in Step 2.

  14. Determine the type of file:
    • Template | Set the option to Make a copy for each student.
    • Sample | Set the option to Students can view file.
    • optional - attach a template or sample

    RECOMMENDED | TechnoKids templates are provided as .doc, .ppt, or .xlsx files. Convert these files to a native Google format BEFORE attaching to an assignment. Refer to Step 2 Upload Files into the Class for conversion instructions.

  15. OPTIONAL | IF the assignment has students make a new file using Google Apps, you can create this file for students while creating the assignment.
    1. Click Create.
    2. Select the app from the menu.
    3. create app

    4. Set the option to Make a copy for each student.
    5. optional - create a blank template

    TIP | Verify the assignment has the correct files and settings before hitting Assign. If you selected Students can view the file in error, the attachment CANNOT be modified once the assignment is assignment. Instead, if there is an error, the entire post must be removed and then recreated.

  16. When all files are attached, click the Assign arrow. Make a choice from the list:
    • Assign | Post the assignment immediately.
    • Schedule | Post the assignment on a specific date.
    • Save Draft | Saves the post and allows modifications before assigning.
    TIP | Scheduling an assignment will prevent your students from working too far ahead on their own. If you need to make adjustments to the post before assignment, Save draft allows you the flexibility to do so.


If you make a mistake and you want to remove an assignment, this must be done from the Classwork tab:

NOTE | In our tests, editing an assignment showed inconsistencies when trying to save the changes. Google is aware of the issue and is working on it. Use Edit at your own discretion. Some options were unavailable such as Make a copy for each student. TechnoKids recommends deleting and starting over.
  1. Click the Classwork tab.
  2. Click the More button on the assignment you wish to remove.
  3. Select Delete. Any grades and comments will also be deleted.

When you create assignments, Google Classroom puts the oldest one at the bottom of the feed. This may be awkward when your students are looking for Assignment 1 when there are 30 assignments. Feel free to change the order of the assignments. If you previously deleted an assignment and needed to recreate it, it may be out of order.

TIP | Work in reverse order by choosing the item you want to appear last in the list first and move it to the top. THEN, pick the item you want to be second last and move it to the top. This process will keep putting the selected item at the top and bumping the others down the list order, making the item you picked first appear at the bottom of the list.
  1. Open the Class in Google Classroom.
  2. From the Stream tab, click the More button beside the desired assignment.
  3. Select Move to top.
  4. Repeat until Assignment 1 (or desired post) is at the top of the list.

What happens in the Class Drive when you make an assignment?

The Class Drive folder is located on your Google Drive and will have all of the assignments you created, any materials you uploaded, and any work turned in by students. Everything put onto your Google Classroom is automatically saved onto this Drive folder for easy access.

optional - create a blank template

Step 4 View and Grade Student Work

  1. Open your Class in Google Classroom.
  2. Click the Classwork tab.
  3. tabs classwork

  4. Select an assignment.
  5. view class assignments

  6. Click Turned in
  7. Click the document thumbnail to review a student's work. It will open in a new browser tab.
  8. assign 1 view worksheet

  9. Assess the assignment and provide feedback:
    1. Review the work.
    2. Assign a grade from the Grading pane on the right.
    3. Add a comment. Click Post to add the comment.
    4. Click return button.
    5. assign 1 grading pane

    6. Confirm the submission, click Return.
    7. Close the browser tab.


steps to use google classroom for students

Step 1 Install a PDF Annotator

You need a PDF Annotator such as Kami to type answers into TechnoKids worksheets. Many schools have an IT administrator whose job it is to manage Google accounts. You might need to gain permission before completing the steps below.

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Visit the Chrome web store or Google Workspace Marketplace.
  3. Search for a PDF extension or Google Drive Add-on such as Kami.
  4. Click Add to Chrome or Install.
  5. Follow the onscreen prompts.

Step 2 Join a Class

Your teacher has made a Class in Google Classroom. You must join it to access assignments and grades. You can join either by entering a code, or accepting an email invitiation.

    TIP | If you are already signed into Google, click the Apps launcher and choose Classroom from the list of apps.
  1. Ask your teacher to display the Class Code.
  2. Sign into Google Classroom.
  3. Click Create or join a class. Pick Join class.
  4. Type the code into the box and click Join.
  5. Join class by code

  6. You will now be able to see the Class:
  7. class screen

    TIP | If you are already signed into Google, click the Apps menu and choose Gmail from the list of apps.
  1. Visit Gmail.
  2. Check your Inbox for an invitation email from your teacher.
  3. Open the message and click the link to join the class.
  4. email invite join

  5. You will now be able to see the Class:
  6. class screen

Step 3 Complete an Assignment

Below are some tips for completing and submitting TechnoKids assignments in Google Classroom. See Step 1 for instructions on installing a PDF Annotator.

  1. Sign into your Class in Google Classroom.
  2. Click the Classwork tab.
  3. Select the assignment and click View assignment.
  4. view assignment

  5. In the Your work section, click the assignment PDF to open the browser preview.
  6. assign1 view assignment

  7. From the Open with menu, choose Annotate with Kami.
  8. open with menu

  9. Use the markup tools such as Text Box and Drawing Tools to enter answers.
  10. kamitools

  11. When done, click Save/Turn in and then in the Google Drive area click Save changes now.
  12. Save Kami

  13. When the changes have been saved, Save changes now will update to read All changes saved with a check mark.
  14. IMPORTANT | When you click Save changes now your teacher can see what you have written on your assignment. However, you still need to submit your work in Google Classroom.
  15. Turn in your work:
    1. When you are done, close the Kami tab.
    2. View the assignment in Google Classroom.
    3. Click Turn in.
    4. Turn In

    5. View the confirmation dialog box telling you what will be submitted.
    6. Click Turn in.
    7. Turn In Confirm

  1. Sign into your Class in Google Classroom.
  2. Click the Classwork tab.
  3. Click on an assignment and then choose View assignment.
  4. view assignment

  5. Right click on the worksheet name (Press ALT + click the name).
    From the menu, select Open link in a new tab.
  6. view worksheet new tab

  7. The worksheet is in view. It has the instructions you must follow.
  8. Click the Classroom tab to return to the assignment.
  9. worksheet with tabs

  10. Click the template to open the file.
  11. open template

  12. Follow the instructions on the worksheet to complete the task.
  13. When you are done, submit your work:
    1. Click Turn in.
    2. Turn In

    3. View the confirmation dialog box telling you what will be submitted.
    4. Click Turn in.
    5. Turn In Confirm

    TIP | View the Worksheet and the Template at the Same Time
    tile screen

Follow the steps to open the worksheet in a new tab, then create a new Google document to complete the activity.

  1. Sign into your Class in Google Classroom.
  2. Click the Classwork tab.
  3. Select the assignment. Click View Assignment.
  4. In the Your work section, right click on the assignment name and pick Open link in new tab.
  5. open worksheet in a new tab

  6. The worksheet is in view. It has the instructions you must follow.
  7. Click the Classroom browser tab to return to the assignment and make a new file.
  8. worksheet with tabs

Create a New Document

  1. Make sure you are back on the Assignment tab.
  2. In the Your work section, click Add or create.
  3. create new file

  4. Pick a document format from the menu. The document will be added to the Your work section, then it will open in a new tab.
  5. Toggle between this tab and the instructions tab to complete the activity.
  6. When done, close the instructions tab and the document tab.
  7. In the Your work section of the Assignment tab, click Turn in.
  8. When asked to confirm, click Turn in.

  9. TIP | View the Worksheet and the Template at the Same Time
    tile screen

Follow the steps below if you have created a document independently of Google Classroom and you want to submit it with an assignment. For example, you created a presentation that is saved in Google Drive or on your local device.

  1. Sign into your Class in Google Classroom.
  2. Click the Classwork tab.
  3. Select the assignment. Click View Assignment.
  4. In the Your work section, click +Add or create.
  5. add file

  6. Pick the file location from the option at the top of the menu.
  7. Select the file.
  8. When you are done, click Turn in.
  9. When asked to confirm, click Turn in.

Tips and Tricks

It is important to keep your files organized. Ask your teacher which project you are going to start with and create a folder to hold your work.

  1. Sign into your Class in Google Classroom.
  2. Click the Classwork tab.
  3. tabs classwork student

  4. Click Class Drive folder.
  5. class drive folder

  6. Check to make sure you are in My Drive > Classroom > Class.
  7. classroom folder

  8. Click classroom folder. Choose Folder
  9. Type the name of the TechnoKids project. Click Create
  10. new folder

TIP | Add to, or retrieve files from, this folder easily in Google Drive:

  • In Google Drive, click My Drive.
  • Open the Classroom folder.
  • Open the Class folder.
  • Open the project folder.

If you cannot submit work using the built-in features, there are other options to hand in your work. You can:

  • Share the assignment directly from Google Drive.
  • Send the assignment by email.
  • Print the assignment and hand in.

Share the Assignment From Google Drive
  1. Sign into Google Classroom and open your class.
  2. Click the Classwork tab.
  3. tabs classwork student

  4. Open the Class Drive folder.
  5. class drive folder

  6. In the left pane, click My Drive.
  7. Open the Classroom > Class folder.
  8. Open the project folder.
  9. Click to select the file and click share file.
  10. Add your teacher's email address, a note about the document, and set the viewing options.
  11. share address

  12. Click Send.

Share the Assignment via Email
  1. Sign into Gmail.
  2. Click Compose to start a new message.
  3. Add your teacher's email address, the name of the assignment as the subject line, and a message about the email.
  4. Click insert files from drive to attach a file.
  5. Open the Classroom > Class folder.
  6. Open the project folder.
  7. Click to select the file and click Attachment.
  8. Click Insert.
  9. email file

  10. Click Send.

Print Assignment and Hand in
  1. Sign into Google Classroom.
  2. Open the completed assignment.
  3. Click Print. print
  4. Hand in to teacher.

You can tile or stack screens to see two windows at one time. This will allow you to have an app, such as Docs or Slides, open on the left side of the screen, while having a TechnoKids assignment sheet open on the right side of the screen.

  1. Open the TechnoKids worksheet in the Chrome browser. If you need to type answers, then open the file in a PDF Annotator such as Kami.
  2. Click the top bar.
  3. click the top bar

  4. Press the WINDOWS key on the keyboard. Press the RIGHT ARROW key on the keyboard to snap the window to the right side of the screen.
  5. In the Chrome browser, click New tab. Open the application that will be used to complete the task such as Docs or Slides.
  6. Drag the tab to detach it from the window.
  7. detach tab

  8. Click the top bar. Press the WINDOWS key on the keyboard. Press the LEFT ARROW key on the keyboard to snap the window to the left side of the screen.
  9. tile windows
TIP | You may need to drag the bottom frame of the window to make it taller.

You can tile or stack screens to see two windows at one time. This will allow you to have an app, such as Docs or Slides, open on the left side of the screen, while having the TechnoKids assignment sheet open on the right side of the screen.

  1. Open the TechnoKids worksheet in the Chrome browser. If you need to type answers, then open the file in a PDF Annotator such as Kami.
  2. Click and HOLD the Maximize/Restore button in the top left corner of the window. Press the RIGHT arrow to snap the window to the right side of the screen.
    click and hold maximize/restore

    Or, press the ALT and OPEN BRACKET [ keys on the keyboard.
    keyboard chromebook

  3. Open the application that will be used to complete the task such as Docs or Slides.
  4. Drag the tab to detach it from the window.
  5. detach tab

  6. Click and HOLD the Maximize/Restore button in the top left corner of the detached tab. Press the LEFT arrow to snap the application to the left side of the screen.
    Or, press the ALT and CLOSE BRACKET ] keys on the keyboard.
  7. tile windows on chromebook

When your work has been graded, or your teacher has added comments, you will be able to view them.

  1. Sign into your Class in Google Classroom.
  2. Open the assignment you want to check.
  3. Look in the upper right corner to see if the assignment has been graded.
  4. view classwork

  5. Click View assignment.
  6. Your grade will appear in the upper left area and any comments from the teacher, in the lower right. view grade