Getting Started

Pick a Project to Teach

Choose from over 40 projects. If you are designing a course, curriculum unit, or workshop series use the Project Matrix to select a project. This document arranges the projects by grade level and organizes them into a proposed sequence. Please note, these are recommendations only. Any TechnoKids project can be taught independently or blended with other titles to form a unique learning experience for students. Click the link below to see suggestions for project selection.

  • Grade Level: The Project Matrix provides a recommended sequence of instruction. The Primary, Junior, and Intermediate collections organize projects into rows. Those in the top row are the simplest projects, and the bottom row are more challenging. The division can be mapped to grade levels. For example, in the Junior collection, the top row is Grade 3/4, the middle row is Grade 4/5, and the bottom row is Grade 5/6.
  • Scope and Sequence: If you plan to teach multiple TechnoKids projects, the Project Matrix recommends an order. In each row, the projects increase in difficulty. For this reason, the project in the first column could be taught at the start of the school year, whereas the project in the last column is best suited to the end of the school year.
  • Technology Skill: If you intend to target a specific skill, the Project Matrix groups many of the projects. For example, in both the Junior and Intermediate collections, the first column is word processing, the second column is spreadsheet/data analysis, the third column is presentation, and the fourth column is programming. The projects are sequenced from top to bottom and gradually introduce new skills.
  • Developmentally Appropriate: In the Project Matrix the projects build upon one another and increasingly become more complex. Assignments lengthen, students complete a greater amount of work, and tasks require higher order thinking. Moreover, often there is a blend of multiple types of software. If your students are beginners you can select a project from a lower grade level as these are suggestions only.
  • Product or Subject: Throughout the TechnoKids curriculum, the same application is used for multiple purposes. For example, students use Google Slides or PowerPoint to create a book, slide show, presentation, graphic story, timeline, travel advertisement, interactive map, and online debate. Read the descriptions in the Project Matrix to pick a digital product you want your students to create or pick one that fits with a subject area you are teaching (e.g. timeline for history, map for geography, or graphic story for language arts).
  • Topic: Refer to the Project Matrix to select a project that integrates with a topic or theme you are already teaching. Many technology projects are open-ended. This provides an opportunity to blend curriculum content with digital learning tools. Alternatively, you can select one to act either as a starting point for a unit or as a culminating project at the end of a unit.
  • Student Interest: Engage learners. Have them select a technology project that is personally meaningful. Alternatively, the teacher can choose a title, such as TechnoJournal or TechnoSite, that allows each student to select a topic of personal interest.
  • Instructional Time: To understand how long a project will take to complete, read the descriptions in the TechnoKids Overview. Each project provides a detailed outline, as well as lists the number of assignments and extension activities. An assignment can range from 30-60 minutes, depending on the grade level. Typically, it takes about 6-8 weeks to complete a project if your students attend class twice a week. However, if they go every day you can complete a project in about 2-3 weeks. Many can be shortened by omitting assignments or lengthened by including skill reviews and extension activities.
  • Software or App: Refer to the table in the Project Matrix. It summarizes the versions available for each project. You can pick a project based on software availability or the app you want to teach.
TechnoKids Scope and Sequence>

Ideas for Implementation

How to implement TechnoKids technology projects depends on the curriculum you are teaching, technology skills students need to master, individual interests, and which software you have on devices. To begin, refer to the Project Matrix above. If you require more detail (such as an assignment list) you may find the TechnoKids Overview document helpful.

When starting something new, limit how many projects you select to teach from the TechnoKids collection. It is a good idea to set realistic goals. You might want to take a multi-year approach as your students gradually build their skills.

  • Year One: Students in Grades 1 and 2, Grades 3, 4, and 5, and Grades 6, 7, and 8 complete the same technology projects. In this way, you are starting with just 3 different TechnoKids projects. To adjust expectations for different grade levels assign skill reviews and extension activities.
  • Year Two: Gradually introduce more technology projects. Your students in Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 are now following closely the Project Matrix. For example, Grade 3 students will complete the same project that you taught to Grade 3 students the previous year, but Grade 4 and 5 students will move on to a new project. So you will have one familiar project to repeat, and only 1 new one in each division.
  • Year Three: In year three, you can follow the recommended order suggested within the Project Matrix.

  • Year One: If you are interested in integrating technology skills into the curriculum, the best approach is to determine the technology area where you feel most confident – typically this is word processing. Start with a technology project that teaches that skill. Next, read over the project descriptions for your age grouping and determine which theme would "fit" into what you are already teaching and what technology skill requires emphasis. Select the technology project that suits your needs. Try to teach two technology projects in your first year.
  • Year Two: Select a technology project that emphasizes a technology skill in which you are less proficient, such as spreadsheets or coding. You can learn along with your students.
  • Year Three: By this time, you will be an expert at selecting and teaching using the TechnoKids technology projects. Have fun!

Step 1 Get Your Files

Once you have selected a TechnoKids project to teach, you need to download it from TechnoHub. Follow these instructions to access your instructional materials from the online library. If you need assistance, refer to tips on how to unzip files or locate a missing download.

  1. Before you get started, be sure you know the location of downloaded files on your device. If you are unsure, refer to I want to choose where to save my downloads from TechnoHub to set the download directory.
  2. Visit TechnoHub.
  3. Log in using your TechnoKids username and password. (It is the same one you used to place your order.)
  4. TechnoHub welcome screen

  5. The projects are organized onto bookshelves. If you have purchased a TechnoKids Collection all the technology projects will be displayed on a shelf. However, if you only purchased individual projects then some technology projects are unavailable.

    To change the shelf view, select My Projects from the Show menu in the top bar.
  6. TechnoHub shelf

  7. Click a Shelf tab, such as Primary, Junior, Intermediate, or Senior.
  8. Bookshelf Tabs

  9. Add an item to the download queue by clicking the Add to Queue button for the desired project or collection.
  10. Select a product version. Click Close.
  11. choose version

  12. Repeat steps 3-5 for any additional projects. TIP: It is best to download only a few projects at a time.
  13. Click Start Download.
  14. start download

  15. The files will be prepared for download. Be patient. The more items you add to the queue, the longer it will take.
  16. be patient message

  17. If prompted, pick a location to save the download file. By default, it should go to your device's Downloads folder.
    When done, go to the location on your device where the files were downloaded.

    Many browsers display the download either at the top or bottom of the window. You can right click the download and choose Show in folder to immediately go to the download location.

    The folder will be called technokidsMMDD, where MMDD refers to the current month and day. You need to unzip the compressed files.
  18. compressed folder

  1. Go to the location on your device where the files were downloaded.
  2. Right click on the folder and choose Extract All....
  3. extract all

  4. In the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders dialog box you can choose a destination to extract the files. By default, the folder will be extracted to the same location as the zipped folder.
  5. Tick the option to Show extracted files when complete.
  6. extract dialog

  7. Click Extract.
  8. Now you can open the folder to view the files. The folder may have automatically opened.
  9. Refer to Step 2 to learn how to view the TechnoKids files. Refer to Step 3 for a tour of the TechnoKids project folder.

These instructions explain how to unzip the downloaded TechnoKids folder and copy the project files into your Google Drive.

  1. You may already be looking at your Downloads folder.
    If you are not, on your Chromebook, click Launcher (white dot in the left corner). Select the up arrow. Pick Files. file manager
  2. Select My files from the left pane. Select Downloads.
  3. downloads folder chromebook
  4. Double click on the TechnoKids file
  5. Once you've double-clicked, notice the zip folder appears in the sidebar.
  6. mounted opened chromebook

  7. The contents of the zipped file are displayed. You will see a folder that has the name of the TechnoKids project you selected to download (e.g., pri-me, jnr-timeline, int-biography).
  8. Press ALT and then click the TechnoKids project folder. From the shortcut menu, choose Copy.
  9. mounted opened chromebook

  10. Select Google Drive from the sidebar. Select My Drive.
  11. Click More in the top right corner (3 dots). From the menu, select Paste. The TechnoKids project is now in your Google Drive.
  12. paste into Google Drive

  13. Refer to Step 2 to learn how to view the TechnoKids files. Refer to Step 3 for a tour of the TechnoKids project folder.

Sometimes you lose your files. You have downloaded them, but you do not know where they have gone. The good news is that TechnoKids has created a standard file name for all downloaded files. It is technokidsMMDD. For example, the search term technokids1013 will find a file downloaded on October 13 from TechnoHub on your device. Please note, if you do not know the date, just type technokids when searching.

  1. Click Search in the Windows taskbar.
  2. Type into the search box, where MMDD is the month and day the file was downloaded.
  3. As you type, matching files will be displayed in the search results.
  4. Click the arrow beside the file name.
  5. Choose Open file location.

  1. Click the Launcher icon on your Chromebook.
  2. Type into the search box, where MMDD is the month and day the file was downloaded.
  3. As you type, matching files will be displayed in the search results.
  4. Click the file to go to the location.

Step 2 Install a PDF Viewer

Okay, you have your downloaded project. Now what? You need a PDF viewer that will open TechnoKids files and allow students to type answers into worksheets.

Some TechnoKids project files such as the teacher guide, student workbook, and worksheets are in PDF format. They have been locked against digital editing but can be printed or viewed digitally. We have enabled commenting on these files to allow adding notes or answering questions. Refer to the sections below. Select the instructions that match your device.

Once you have a PDF Viewer, you may want to read the tips about opening TechnoKids files and/or typing answers into worksheets.

If you are on a Windows device our PDF files are only viewable with Adobe Acrobat Reader XI or higher. Other PDF software will not open the files. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader. It is a free download:

  1. Visit Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  2. Select Adobe Acrobat Reader to download.
  3. Follow the onscreen prompts to install the version for your operating system.
    1. Step 3 View a Project Folder will describe the contents of a TechnoKids project. This will help you to understand the types of files. However, if you want to get started right away below are some tips for opening our PDF files.

Option 1 | Set the Default PDF Reader

  1. Your default program for PDF files may not be set to Acrobat Reader. Browse to the location of the TechnoKids project folder. Locate a PDF such as the Teacher Guide.
  2. Right click on a TechnoKids PDF file. From the menu select Choose another app.
  3. Scroll through the list of programs and select Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  4. Select the option to Always use this app to open .pdf files.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Now when you double click a TechnoKids PDF file it will automatically open in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  7. Set the program default for PDFs

Option 2 | Open the File in Acrobat Reader

  1. From the Start menu , launch Adobe Acrobat Reader from the list of programs. If you do not see it in the list, visit Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  2. Click the File menu, choose Open.
  3. Browse to the location of the TechnoKids project folder. Locate a PDF such as the Teacher Guide.
  4. Click Open.

  1. Open a TechnoKids PDF file such as a student assignment sheet in Adobe Acrobat Reader. You will find them in the Workbook folder. TIP: Look in the downloaded TechnoKids project folder from Step 1. For example: int-biography > Office 2019 > TechnoBiography Resources > Biography > Workbook.
  2. From the right pane, click Comment or from the View menu select Tools - Comment - Open.
  3. adobe acrobat reader

  4. The Comment toolbar will appear. Use the text comment or text box to type an answer or the drawing tool to make a checkmark or circle on the page.
  5. comment tools F

  6. When done, do not forget to save changes.

TechnoKids PDF files can be opened in Google Docs. However, sometimes they lose their formatting. Using Google Docs to view TechnoKids PDFs is best suited for simple worksheets. To keep the page layout, we recommend using a Google Drive Add-on, such as Kami. Many schools have an IT administrator whose responsibility is to manage teacher and student Google accounts. You may need to gain permission before completing the steps below.

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Visit the Chrome web store or Google Workspace Marketplace.
  3. Search for a PDF extension or Google Drive Add-on such as Kami or DocHub.
  4. Click Add to Chrome or Install.
  5. Follow the onscreen prompts.

  1. If necessary, sign into your Google account.
  2. Browse to the location of the TechnoKids project folder.
  3. TIP: You copied it into your Google Drive in Step 1 when you unzipped the downloaded files. The folder will be: category-project. Such as pri-me, jnr-timeline, or int-biography.
  4. Open the TechnoKids project folder and then open the Google folder. Locate a PDF such as the Teacher Guide (e.g. TechnoBiography Guide GS.pdf).
    • How to Preview or Print the PDF: Double click a TechnoKids PDF file to open it in the web browser. You can preview or print the document.
    • Open a PDF in the Chrome web browser

    • How to Open using an App or Drive Add-on: Double click a TechnoKids PDF file to open it in the web browser. Hover over the top bar to select Open with. Pick an option such as Annotate with Kami.

      TIP: If you cannot see the Open with option return to Google Drive. Right click the TechnoKids worksheet (press ALT and the track pad at the same time). From the menu, select Manage in Drive.

      TIP: If you do not see Kami (or the app you need), click Connect more apps. Search for a PDF annotator and follow the on-screen prompts to install it. You will likely need to sign in, to grant permission for Google Drive access. This will allow PDF files to be opened, edited, and saved.
    • Open a PDF in the Chrome web browser

    • How to Open Directly into Chrome Extension: Extension
      If you installed a Chrome extension, click the Extensions tool at the top of the browser window and select it. You may be asked to sign into your Google account. Select Open from Google Drive. Select the TechnoKids PDF file to view and/or edit.
    • Open a PDF using a Chrome Extension

  1. If necessary, sign into your Google account.
  2. Locate a TechnoKids PDF file. For example, there are student worksheets in the Workbook folder.
  3. TIP: Look in the downloaded TechnoKids project folder from Step 1. For example: int-biography > Google > TechnoBiography Resources > Biography > Workbook.
    • How to Open using an App or Drive Add-on: Right click a TechnoKids PDF file (press ALT and the track pad at the same time). From the menu, select Open with. Pick an option such as Open with Kami.
    • How to Open Directly into Chrome Extension: If you installed a Chrome extension, click the Extensions tool at the top of the browser window and select it from the options. Extension
  4. You may be asked to sign into your Google account again. You may also need to select Open from Google Drive and then pick the TechnoKids PDF file to edit.
  5. Use the Text Box tool to type an answer or the Drawing tool to make a checkmark or circle on the page.
  6. kami tools

  7. When done, click Save. Select Save Now.
  8. Save Kami

  9. If the menu states that the file failed to save, click the text and authorize Google Drive.
  10. Authorize Kami

Step 3 View a Project Folder

Great! Now you have a PDF viewer. Next you need to understand how the project files are organized in the folder.

  1. If necessary, open the downloaded TechnoKids project folder from Step 1. If you downloaded multiple versions you may need to pick the one you want such as Office 2019 or Google. The TechnoKids project folder has a path like this:

    technokidsMMDD > category-project > version
    For example: technokids1215 > int-biography > Google

  2. A project has a Resource folder, Get Started document, Teacher Guide, and Student Workbook:
  3. project folder

  4. About the project files:
    • Project Resources folder: Instructional materials required to complete the project including assessment tools, samples, and templates.
    • Get Started document: Links to helpful resources including how to install a PDF viewer, access help with Google Classroom or Class Notebook, and FAQs.
    • Guide: File that contains instructions for teachers. Includes preparatory steps, material list, lesson plans, and answer keys. It requires a PDF viewer to open such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Kami.
    • Workbook: File that contains assignments for students. It requires a PDF viewer to open such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Kami.

The majority of the instructional materials in the Resources folder are for the teacher. When and how to use these files is explained in the Teacher Guide. Most of them are customizable. Although no modification is necessary, it does allow flexibility. Teachers can insert a school logo onto a certificate, adjust text in a parent letter, add questions to a quiz, or alter the scoring system on a marking sheet.

  1. If necessary, open the downloaded TechnoKids project folder from Step 1. If you downloaded multiple versions you may need to pick the one you want such as Office 2019 or Google. The TechnoKids project folder has a path like this:

    technokidsMMDD > category-project > version
    For example: technokids1215 > int-biography > Google

  2. Open the TechnoProject Resources folder:
  3. select resources folder

  4. The instructional materials are organized into folders:
  5. resources folder
    • Assessment: Tools to evaluate student learning including checklists, marking sheets, rubrics, and/or a skill summary. These files are in Google Docs or Word format.
    • Handouts: Documents to be distributed to students including parent letters and certificates. These files are in Google Docs or Word format.
    • Project folder: This folder contains the files students need to complete project activities. It includes templates, samples, and/or worksheets. It is named to match the project title. For example, the project TechnoBiography will include a Biography folder.
    • Samples: Files used to demonstrate a completed project. Often they are customizable.

The Student Workbook contains illustrated step-by-step instructions. It explains how to complete the project activities. The Student Workbook includes assignments, reviews, skill reviews, and/or extension activities.

The Student Workbook is available in two formats: Complete Workbook and Individual Worksheets. Both formats require a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Kami.

  • Complete Workbook: This format is designed to be printed double-sided. Place the document in a binder as a reusable class set. Or print single use copies for each student to follow instructions and answer questions.
  • complete workbook

  • Individual Worksheets: This format has each assignment as separate files. Control the pace of instruction. Instead of sharing all of the worksheets at once, you may choose to distribute only a few assignments at a time. Or challenge students working at a faster pace with optional enrichment activities. Worksheets can be printed or used digitally.
  • individual worksheets

There is a lot of flexibility in how student workbooks are implemented. Below are some possibilities:

  • Class Set: Print the complete workbook and place into a binder or duo tang. Distribute to students each time they come to class. The printouts are used to follow the instructions only. Students do not write on the worksheets. Instead, handouts are still photocopied, or answers are recorded into a separate document.
  • Personal Workbook: Print the complete workbook and place into a binder or duo tang for each student. Students use the printout to follow instructions and write their answers onto worksheets.
  • 100% Paperless: Students view the individual worksheets using a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Kami. Annotation tools are used to type answers onto worksheets. To simplify instruction, tile the screen to display both the TechnoKids worksheet and application at the same time.
  • Digital and Paper Blend: Assignment sheets are viewed digitally using a PDF viewer such as such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Kami when following step-by-step instructions. However, if a worksheet has questions then handouts are photocopied, with answers written using pen or pencil.
  • Occasional Use
    • student absence
    • complex task with many steps
    • substitute teacher

  • Demonstration: Begin using the workbook by doing an assignment together on a demonstration computer, as students follow along in their workbooks.
  • Highlight Features: Explain how the content is organized in the assignment.
    • Bolded headings are the main step
    • Below each heading are steps with triangular bullets that explain each action.
    • Callouts and text boxes contain helpful tips.
  • Promote Independence: After students are confident with using the workbook, begin each class by introducing the assignment and explaining the purpose. Discuss the steps to the assignment. Have students work independently to complete the task following steps outlined in their workbook. Offer support and suggestions.

Step 4 Refer to Teacher Guide

The next step is to learn about the project activities. To do this, read the Teacher Guide. It has detailed instructions on how to teach the project. This document includes preparatory steps, material list, lesson plans, and answer keys. To open the file, use a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Kami. Refer to Step 2 Install a PDF Viewer for assistance. The Teacher Guide is designed to be printed double-sided. However, it can also be viewed digitally.

TechnoKids Teacher Guides come in one of two formats to organize content: Six Sessions or Assignment List.

The Teacher Guide is an excellent tool for guiding instruction. It will help you prepare to teach and deliver each lesson. Please note, TechnoKids tends to give teachers more than what they may need. This is done to provide flexibility. Select the activities that fit with your instructional time and meet the needs of your students. You can omit assignments to shorten a unit or lengthen it using the reviews, skill reviews, and/or extension activities.

  1. If necessary, open the downloaded TechnoKids project folder from Step 1. If you downloaded multiple versions you may need to pick the one you want such as Office 2019 or Google. The TechnoKids project folder has a path like this:

    technokidsMMDD > category-project > version
    For example: technokids1215 > int-biography > Google

  2. Open the Teacher Guide in a PDF viewer. The file name will be TechnoProject Guide version.
  3. Teacher Guide

A Teacher Guide with sessions, divides the content into six main parts or units. Each session revolves around a problem-solving task that relates to the theme of the project. The assignments in each session guide students to complete the task.

The Teacher Guide contains the following sections:

  • Getting Started | This section contains a material list, project overview, implementation and technology integration ideas, and preparatory steps. IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ THIS SECTION first.
  • Project Instructions | This section contains the project instructions divided by sessions. Each session includes the following parts:
    • Overview - an explanation of the session activities and their purpose.
    • Materials - a list of handouts, sample files, templates, and teacher resource materials needed to teach the session.
    • Teaching Strategies - instructional methods recommended for teaching the activities.
    • Lesson Plan - a detailed list of each step in the session.
    • Learning Objectives - a summary of the content knowledge and technical skills taught throughout the session.
    • Assignments - a session consists of assignments completed by students. Actions to be performed on the computer by the student are indicated with a triangle (▷). Background information is indicated with a dash (–).
    • Review – a session review contains a list of fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, or short-answer questions intended to review concepts and tools (answers included).
    • Skill Review - an additional assignment to practice digital literacy skills in a different context (includes completed sample).
    • Extension Activity - an optional enrichment activity that relates to the problem-solving task presented in the session.
  • Appendices | This section contains additional information or materials including the following resources:
    • Assessment Tools - skill summary and marking sheets to evaluate completed project(s).
    • Glossary - a definition of each term.
    • Contact Information - how to contact TechnoKids Inc. for curriculum support.

  • Overview | Summary that outlines details about the project including purpose, objectives, preparation steps, materials, activities, extension activities, assessment, and notes.
  • Technology Integration Ideas | List of themes or topics for integrating project activities into subject areas such as language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, geography, history, computer studies, or visual arts.
  • Prepare to Teach | Preparatory steps that should be completed before teaching. Typically, this includes installing apps and sharing student resources. IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ THIS SECTION before teaching.
  • Assignments | Detailed step-by-step instructions, duplicated from the student workbook, explain how to complete a task. Use these worksheets as a guide when teaching or provide them to students to work independently.
  • Extension Activities | Additional assignments for enrichment that extend learning.
  • Appendix A | Assessment tools including skill summary, marking sheets, and/or rubrics to evaluate completed project(s).
  • Appendix B | List of instructional materials and their location in the TechnoProject Resources folder. This includes assessment, handouts, samples, templates, and any other files.

Step 5 Share Resources with Students

The final step before teaching a TechnoKids project is to share the resource files with students. They will need the worksheets, sample files, and templates to complete the assignments. Every learning environment has a different way of distributing instructional materials to students. For example, if you are using Google Classroom or a Class Notebook skip this step, and refer to the support pages instead.

All the files students need to complete the assignments are in one folder. This folder can be placed on a local computer, memory stick, school server, or private web-based server. If using a web-based option, this area must be password protected and require students to log in to gain access. Files cannot be posted in the public domain. Refer to your site license agreement for further details.

  1. If necessary, open the downloaded TechnoKids project folder from Step 1. If you downloaded multiple versions you may need to pick the one you want such as Office 2019 or Google. The TechnoKids project folder has a path like this:

    technokidsMMDD > category-project > version
    For example: technokids1215 > int-biography > Google

  2. Open the TechnoProject Resources folder.
  3. select resources

  4. Locate the folder that is the name of the project. For example, if you are teaching TechnoBiography the folder is called Biography. Whereas, if you are teaching TechnoMe the folder is called Me.
  5. resources

  6. Copy this folder and place it in the desired location to share with your students.

Tips for Students

TechnoKids assignments include PDF worksheets, templates, and/or example files. Below are tips for students.

Windows Users

If your students are working digitally, they can tile or stack their screens to see two windows at one time. This will allow them to have the necessary application, such as Word or PowerPoint, open on the left side of the screen, while having the TechnoKids assignment sheet open on the right side of the screen.

  1. Open the TechnoKids worksheet in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  2. Click the top bar.
  3. click the top bar

  4. Press the WINDOWS key on the keyboard. Press the RIGHT ARROW key on the keyboard to snap the window to the right side of the screen.
  5. Open the application that will be used to complete the task such as Word or PowerPoint.
  6. Click the top bar.
  7. click the top bar

  8. Press the WINDOWS key on the keyboard. Press the LEFT ARROW key on the keyboard to snap the window to the left side of the screen.
  9. tile windows

    TIP: You may need to drag the bottom frame of the window to make it taller.

TechnoKids assignments vary in their structure. The majority of assignments contain step-by-step instructions that explain how to use an application such as Word or PowerPoint to complete a task. However, some assignments require students to type answers using the Comment tools in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Open a PDF Worksheet

  1. From the Start menu , launch Adobe Acrobat Reader from the list of programs. If you do not see it in the list, visit Adobe Acrobat Reader to download the latest version.
  2. Click the File menu, choose Open.
  3. Browse to the location of the TechnoKids assignment sheet.
  4. Click Open.

Type Answers into a Worksheet Using the Comment Tools

  1. From the right pane, click Comment or from the View menu select Tools - Comment - Open.
  2. adobe acrobat reader

  3. The Comment toolbar will appear. Use the text comment or text box to type an answer or the drawing tool to make a checkmark or circle on the page.
  4. comment tools

  5. When done, do not forget to save changes.

Chrome Users

If your students are working digitally, they can tile or stack their screens to see two windows at one time. This will allow them to have the necessary application, such as Docs or Slides, open on the left side of the screen, while having the TechnoKids assignment sheet open on the right side of the screen.

  1. Open the TechnoKids worksheet in the Chrome browser. If you need to type answers, then open the file in a PDF Annotator such as Kami.
  2. Click and HOLD the Maximize/Restore button in the top left corner of the window. Press the RIGHT arrow to snap the window to the right side of the screen.
  3. click and hold maximize/restore

    Or, press the ALT and OPEN BRACKET [ keys on the keyboard.
    keyboard chromebook

  4. Open the application that will be used to complete the task such as Docs or Slides.
  5. Drag the tab to detach it from the window.
  6. detach tab

  7. Click and HOLD the Maximize/Restore button in the top left corner of the detached tab. Press the LEFT arrow to snap the application to the left side of the screen.
    Or, press the ALT and CLOSE BRACKET ] keys on the keyboard.
  8. tile windows on chromebook

TechnoKids assignments vary in their structure. The majority of assignments contain step-by-step instructions that explain how to use an application such as Docs or Slides to complete a task. However, some assignments require students type answers using a PDF Annotator such as Kami.

Option 1 | Open a PDF Worksheet Using the Kami Google Drive Add-on

  1. Go to the location of the TechnoKids worksheet in Google Drive.
  2. Double click a TechnoKids PDF file to open it in the web browser.
  3. Hover over the top bar to select Open with.

    TIP: If you cannot see the Open with option return to Google Drive. Right click the TechnoKids worksheet (press ALT and the track pad at the same time). From the menu, select Manage in Drive.
  4. Pick an option such as Annotate with Kami.
  5. If you do not see Kami (or the app you need), click Connect more apps. Search for a PDF annotator and follow the on-screen prompts to install it. You will likely need to sign in, to grant permission for Google Drive access. This will allow PDF files to be opened, edited, and saved.
  6. Open a PDF in the Chrome web browser

Option 2 | Open a PDF Worksheet Using the Kami Chrome Extension

  1. If you installed a Chrome extension, click the Extensions tool at the top of the browser window and select it. You may be asked to sign into your Google account.
  2. Select Open from Google Drive.
  3. Select the TechnoKids PDF file to view and/or edit.
  4. Open a PDF using a Chrome Extension

Type Answers into a Worksheet Using Kami

  1. Use the Text Box tool to type an answer or the Drawing tool to make a checkmark or circle on the page.
  2. kami tools

  3. When done, click Save. Select Save Now.
  4. Save Kami

  5. Check to make sure the file saved. If it did not, you will see a menu option that reads Save Failed.
  6. Save Failed

  7. If the menu states that the file failed to save, click Save Failed and authorize Google Drive.
  8. Authorize Kami

  9. When done, click Save. Select Save Now.