
Ages 8-11 | Grades 3-6

Digital Literacy Essentials

Discover practical applications of technology. Conduct research, write reports, animate graphic stories, code games, and more.

digital art for elementary students

Global Standards Driving Digital Intelligence Education

TechnoKids has been awarded the Powered by DQ seal. You can be confident that our courses deliver high-quality learning experiences. Our program meets global standards for digital literacy, skills, and readiness.

TechnoKids Collections align with multiple digital intelligence competencies within the DQ Global Standards (IEEE 3527.1TM).

Recommended Sequence

Ages 8-9 | Grade 3 or 4

Computer Applications | Digital Literacy
word processing


Write reflective journal entries to build word processing skills. Engaging activities use Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

digital citizenship


Boost search strategies, access resources, and practice Internet safety. Become a responsible digital citizen.



Present information effectively. Use Slides or PowerPoint to deliver a speech with a slide show and speaker notes.

Computer Science
game development


Become a game developer. Build Jumble Tumble, Let’s Jam, Mystery Island, and more. Invite friends to an online arcade.

Ages 9-10 | Grade 4 or 5

Computer Applications | Digital Literacy
word processing
digital citizenship


Master essential research skills. Create a Fun Fact Card in Google Docs or Word using word processing lessons.

word processing
data analysis


Investigate a problem, conduct a survey, and propose a solution using Google Sheets or Excel spreadsheet lessons.



Animate a graphic story to make a one-of-a-kind cartoon. Digital storytelling lessons for Google Slides or PowerPoint.

Computer Science
web design
digital citizenship


Become a web designer. Develop digital citizenship skills. Construct a unique website with links to fun places for kids.

game development


Develop an original game using Scratch. In the race, a player collects treasure to complete a mission before time is up.

Ages 10-11 | Grade 5 or 6

Computer Applications | Digital Literacy
word processing


Explore text, graphic, and page layout techniques. Revise a publication using Microsoft Word or Google Docs lessons.

data analysis
word processing


Students plan a bake sale by organizing, graphing, and calculating data using Excel or Google Sheets lessons.

word processing


Illustrate the significance of historical events. Design an innovative graphic organizer in Google Slides or PowerPoint.

Computer Science
data analysis


Invent a fun trivia game. Learn how to make a Google or Microsoft Forms quiz. Build questions and answer keys.

game development


Program using Python and the Turtle library. Loop spirographs, construct a mad lib, invent a carnival game, and more.




Junior technology courses are for elementary students. They focus upon essential skills. Activities promote the practical application of technology. Students become responsible digital citizens, conduct research, animate graphic stories, code games, and more!

Ages 8-9

Grade 3 or 4

Ages 9-10

Grade 4 or 5

Ages 10-11

Grade 5 or 6


animate text to control flow of information; animate character by changing poses

animate objects; set animation effects (entrance, emphasis, exit); rehearse timings

customize character's movements by editing or adding poses


create simple Scratch programs; sequence actions; loop; use variables & operators

create Scratch programs with many scripts; apply conditions (if, else); add comments

create basic programs with Python's turtle library; print text & images; loop; test

Data Analysis

analyze data in a bar and pie graph; interpret results; summarize findings in a written report

compare data for subgroups; perform calculations; recommend viable solution

create e-form that controls data entry; share file with respondents; analyze responses

Digital Citizenship

Internet safety; search strategies; email; netiquette; cyberbullying; online community

research strategies; trust test; cite the source; plagiarism; digital footprints; commenting

evaluate websites; curate a collection of quality links; consider digital reputation; user experience

Game Development

design simple games with Scratch; determine theme; control game with mouse

design race using Scratch; develop plot; include obstacles, score keeping, & timer

design simple games using the Python Turtle library; create a trivia quiz using Forms


format borders; apply shape & image effects; fill a shape with an image; edit a backdrop

rotate, skew, and flip objects; adjust object order; group; crop frame & crop to shape

format smartart; convert bitmap to vector; swap shape; lock drawing mode; explore fill options



insert slides; draw & format shapes; make a table; insert slide numbers; add speaker notes

customize slide background; apply animation effects; sequence events; print handout

create smartart graphic organizer; add and reply to comments


organize information using lists; apply color theme that suits topic; fix page breaks to control content

solve design problems; use headings to divide content

use consistency in design elements to create a professional publication


organize data; format cells; sort data; create graphs & modify style; autosum values

label sheet tabs; create formulas; adjust decimals; change chart type; adjust print settings

view data collected with an e-form in a spreadsheet

Web Design

create a website using WYSIWYG; apply theme; add banner, text, images, & links

Word Processing

create bulleted & numbered lists; adjust text wrap, set line spacing; add page numbers

adjust page orientation; set page margins; use format painter; change indent level

draw & format shapes; group objects; crop images; cut, copy & paste content

Junior technology courses are for elementary students. They focus upon essential skills. Activities promote the practical application of technology. Students become responsible digital citizens, conduct research, animate graphic stories, code games, and more!

How to Pick a Course

TechnoKids Junior Curriculum follows a progressive learning framework, where skills and competencies develop gradually across grades 3-6. Nevertheless, each TechnoKids course can be taught independently or combined with other titles to create a distinctive learning experience for elementary students. Here are some recommendations for choosing a Junior course:

  • Consult the Scope & Sequence.

    This framework organizes courses according to grade level and age. The difficulty level of courses progresses from left to right. As a result, the course in the first column is appropriate for the beginning of the school year, while the one in the last column is better suited for the end of the school year.

  • Assess whether a course aligns with the developmental stage of your students.

    While the Scope & Sequence framework provides recommendations, it's essential to evaluate the specific needs of your learners. If they require more challenging tasks, opt for a course from a higher grade. Conversely, if your students require simpler assignments, select a course from a lower grade.

  • Consider the technology skill you are required to teach.

    Each TechnoKids course emphasizes a key digital literacy skill, which serves as the central focus of the lessons. For instance, the activities may highlight word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, or coding. Select a course that matches your specific needs.

  • Integrate a course into an existing curriculum unit.

    TechnoKids courses offer flexibility as many of the tasks are open-ended. You can choose a course that aligns with a topic or theme you are currently teaching in another subject like social studies, mathematics, or language arts. For example, TechnoToon integrates into a creative writing unit, and TechnoTimeline aligns well with a historical event.

  • Choose a project you want students to create.

    Explore the course descriptions to understand the assignments students undertake. For instance, are you interested in having your students research a report, design a website, animate a graphic story, or code a game?

  • Identify the available software.

    TechnoKids courses use various applications including Microsoft Office, Google Docs, Scratch, and IDLE Python. Before making a choice, assess whether students have the required software on their devices.

  • Take into account students' interests.

    TechnoKids courses offer numerous opportunities to apply digital tools in creative ways. Discuss with your students which ones capture their interests. For example, they can decide if they want to make many simple games in TechnoArcade, or opt for constructing an intricate rescue mission in TechnoRace.

Junior technology courses are for elementary students. They focus upon essential skills. Activities promote the practical application of technology. Students become responsible digital citizens, conduct research, animate graphic stories, code games, and more!