

Investigate an issue. Conduct a Google Forms survey to track popular opinion, display data, and interpret results.

(3 Reviews)

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Google Forms Survey Lessons

In TechnoQuestionnaire, students transform into researchers. They design a questionnaire to research an important issue using a Google Forms survey. They collect results from their peers and then analyze the data. By applying spreadsheet skills students organize, format, and display data in a report. In a culminating oral presentation, students explain and interpret their findings using the survey information to support their conclusions.

Empower Students With Real-World Challenges

Actively involve students in their learning. Motivate middle or high school students by allowing them to choose a personally meaningful project. Engage learners as they pick an authentic issue and design a questionnaire to research opinions of a sample group. Sample surveys to spark student creativity include an investigation of school spirit days, a probe into use of social media, and an inquiry into reading habits. Prepare students in grades 6-12 for real-world research scenarios.

Build Collaboration Skills

As students design a questionnaire, they consider the viewpoint of a target audience. Then they conduct a pre-test to consult peers and request feedback. The young researchers share their findings with a jury of peers in an oral presentation. Students develop essential life skills valued in the workplace by building effective communication and decision-making abilities.

Develop Critical Thinking for Students Aged 11-18

Guiding questions help students to critique research design, consider sample bias, avoid question bias, and reflect on survey limitations.

Teach the Research Process with a Google Forms Survey Course

From setting a purpose and picking a sample, to building the survey using Google Forms, through to examining and reporting the results, these essential skills can be applied to countless future research tasks. Resources included in the course are a Teacher Guide, assessment tools such as checklists for students, a marking sheet, presentation rubric, and skill summary, and an alignment document listing ISTE standards correlation.

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11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18


grade 6, grade 7, grade 8, grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12


Forms, Sheets

Tech Integration

math, science

Tech Skill

data analysis, spreadsheet


Starter, Class, Classrooms

Starter License Includes

online teacher guide, online student workbook, get started, printable assessment tools, sample files, extension activities, certificates, parent letters

Class License Includes

online teacher guide, getting started tips, course calendar, online student workbook, online assignments, printable assessment tools, online quizzes, student reporting, sample files, extension activities, certificates, parent letters

Classroom License Includes

online teacher guide, getting started tips, course calendar, class management tools, online student workbook, online assignments, printable assessment tools, online quizzes, student reporting, sample files, extension activities, certificates, parent letters

Product Type


Assignment 1 What is a Survey Questionnaire? Understand the purpose of a survey. Introduce terminology (e.g. population, sample, bias) Assignment 2 Compare a Poll and a Survey Participate in a Reading Habits poll and survey. Compare these two methods of gathering data. Assignment 3 Study Survey Results Analyze data from Reading Habits survey. Assignment 4 Create a School Spirit Survey Build a survey to learn how to create questions, specify properties, and invite responses. Assignment 5 Organize Ideas for a Survey Questionnaire Determine the purpose, sample, data collection method, and questions for questionnaire. Assignment 6 Build a Survey Construct a questionnaire that effectively sequences the questions and controls data entry. Assignment 7 Conduct a Pre-Test Consult a peer about the design and content of the questionnaire. Implement recommendations. Assignment 8 Collect Survey Results Administer the questionnaire to a sample group of respondents. Assignment 9 View Survey Results Summarize the results in a report. Manipulate the data using a spreadsheet. Assignment 10 Analyze Survey Results Interpret the findings. Draw conclusions about the application of results. Critique research design. Assignment 11 Present Findings to a Jury of Your Peers Convey results and their importance to an audience. Provide evidence of conclusions. Optional Google Forms Survey Lessons

  • What is Sample Bias? Select the correct sampling technique.
  • What is Question Bias? Avoid bias with well-phrased questions.
  • Brainstorm Survey Ideas: Generate a research question.
  • Compare Results with a Pivot Table or Chart: Compare data from subgroups.

Design a Questionnaire | Google Forms Survey

Students become researchers. They develop their own research question, select a sample, and construct a survey using Google Forms lesson plans. A pre-test is used to improve the design. The survey questionnaire is then administered to the sample group. Research findings are shared with a jury of peers in an oral presentation.
  • Understand the purpose of a survey
  • Investigate a research question
  • Select a sample from the population
  • Identify bias in data collection methods
  • Design questions to gather data
  • Conduct a pretest to improve survey design
  • Administer a survey to gather data
  • Display data in charts, tables, and graphs
  • Interpret results to draw conclusions
  • Summarize findings in a report

TechnoQuestionnaire | Google Forms Survey


Investigate an issue. Conduct a Google Forms survey to track popular opinion, display data, and interpret results.

3 reviews for TechnoQuestionnaire


    Every TechnoKids Curriculum project I’ve used has the most detailed instructions, user friendly instructions and well laid out (with images) examples possible. It’s easy to see that teachers have created all of the curriculum.
    RJ Grey Junior High,Acton
    June 27,2016

    I am looking forward to seeing what your company designs for Google Docs. My school just started using Google Apps this year, so I was excited to see this lesson opportunity!
    St. Francis Xavier School,Cross Plains
    May 22,2015

    NICE ….
    March 23,2025
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How long does it take to teach a course?

Every course includes a schedule. It lists the time recommended for each assignment. Typically, it takes between 30-60 minutes to complete an assignment depending on the grade level. Based on this time frame, a typical course takes between 360-600 minutes to complete. This is about 6-8 weeks if your students have computer class twice a week. However, if your students have computer class every day, a course can be completed in about 2-3 weeks.

How do I decide which assignments to teach?

You may not have the time to teach an entire TechnoKids course. The good news is that TechnoKids offers flexibility. Many courses can be shortened by omitting assignments or lengthened by including skill reviews and extension activities. You can easily adapt the course to suit your schedule. Refer to the Ideas for Implementation section in the teacher guide for suggestions.

Does the course integrate into other subjects?

TechnoKids courses are inter-disciplinary. This means the lesson plans blend computing skills with general content areas such as language arts, geography, or business studies. If you do not have a dedicated digital literacy class, refer to the Technology Integration Suggestions section in each teacher guide for ideas on how you can include the course in other subject areas.

Is the course a subscription?

Yes. When you purchase a course, you have access to the instructional materials for 12 months. After that time, should you want to continue, you will need to renew the subscription.

Is the course online?

Yes. You must sign into TechnoHub to access the course content from your bookshelf. The teacher guide and student workbook for a course are available online only. However, resources such as assessment tools, handouts, course slides, templates, and samples are downloadable.