

Publish a collection of books. Create a picture book, flip flap story, and more. Templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint.

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$49.00 USD / year

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A single teacher account. Includes online teacher guide, online workbook, printable assessment tools, course slides, and resources.

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Integrate Language Arts with Technology in the Classroom

Integrate technology in the classroom by teaching fun writing activities to elementary students. In the TechnoBookmaking course, students write, edit, and illustrate books. They use inspiring templates to publish a collection of stories. Each activity teaches a new word processing skill. Lessons explain how to make a tiny picture book, flip flap story, unfolding riddle book, layer book of facts, bookmarks, and greeting card. Place the publications on a bookshelf or hold a Young Authors’ Conference. Extension activities include additional templates that offer unlimited creativity. Put a fresh twist on how Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides can be used in language arts. Explore the possibilities with bookmaking.

Fun Writing Activities for Grades 1-3

Motivate reluctant writers. Have children ages 6-8 become authors and illustrators of fiction and non-fiction books.

Blend Word Processing and Writing Skills

Lessons support students throughout the writing process. They organize their ideas, express their thoughts, and edit the text. This improves spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. They also learn how to format text and arrange objects.

Teach a Cross-Curricular Unit

Integrate technology into curriculum units. The lessons in TechnoBookmaking are adaptable. Use the book templates as part of a language arts or social studies unit. For example, students can write an original story about their family, five senses, seasons, animal habitats, or community helpers. The learning opportunities are endless!

Develop a Positive Attitude Towards Books

Bookmaking offers many benefits to students. It increases writing skills, boosts reading skills, and sparks creativity. Plus, it can personalize learning by allowing students to express their unique ideas.

Celebrate Learning

Display the books in the classroom or library to provide an authentic audience. Or have students take part in a book exchange, reading circle, or book buddies program. The unique writing activities in the TechnoBookmaking course support young authors.

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How long does it take to teach a course?

Every course includes a schedule. It lists the time recommended for each assignment. Typically, it takes between 30-60 minutes to complete an assignment depending on the grade level. Based on this time frame, a typical course takes between 360-600 minutes to complete. This is about 6-8 weeks if your students have computer class twice a week. However, if your students have computer class every day, a course can be completed in about 2-3 weeks.

How do I decide which assignments to teach?

You may not have the time to teach an entire TechnoKids course. The good news is that TechnoKids offers flexibility. Many courses can be shortened by omitting assignments or lengthened by including skill reviews and extension activities. You can easily adapt the course to suit your schedule. Refer to the Ideas for Implementation section in the teacher guide for suggestions.

Does the course integrate into other subjects?

TechnoKids courses are inter-disciplinary. This means the lesson plans blend computing skills with general content areas such as language arts, geography, or business studies. If you do not have a dedicated digital literacy class, refer to the Technology Integration Suggestions section in each teacher guide for ideas on how you can include the course in other subject areas.

Is the course a subscription?

Yes. When you purchase a course, you have access to the instructional materials for 12 months. After that time, should you want to continue, you will need to renew the subscription.

Is the course online?

Yes. You must sign into TechnoHub to access the course content from your bookshelf. The teacher guide and student workbook for a course are available online only. However, resources such as assessment tools, handouts, course slides, templates, and samples are downloadable.