Universal Design for Learning
and TechnoKids Curriculum

Universal Design
for Learning
and TechnoKids Curriculum

Universal Design for Learning, or UDL for short, is a set of guiding principles for designing curriculum that is flexible to accommodate all learners. TechnoKids applies the UDL framework to create our courses so that the instructions, activities, and materials meet every student’s needs.

TechnoKids Provides Learning
Opportunities to All Students

TechnoKids courses provide meaningful learning experiences for every student, regardless of their interests, background, or abilities. Our instructional materials are intentionally designed to minimize barriers, maximize success, and ensure equity:

TechnoKids courses follow the UDL guidelines.

TechnoKids Provides Flexibility
and Choice to Teachers

TechnoKids curriculum not only accommodates different learners, but it is also adaptable to meet the diverse needs of teachers. Our courses emphasize flexibility and choice for educators: