
Ages 6-8 | Grades 1-3

Digital Literacy Fundamentals

Provide a foundation for learning. Create artwork, write stories, design slide shows, code animations, and more!

digital literacy curriculum elementary school

Global Standards Driving Digital Intelligence Education

TechnoKids has been awarded the Powered by DQ seal. You can be confident that our courses deliver high-quality learning experiences. Our program meets global standards for digital literacy, skills, and readiness.

TechnoKids Collections align with multiple digital intelligence competencies within the DQ Global Standards (IEEE 3527.1TM).

Recommended Sequence

Ages 6-7 | Grade 1 or 2

Computer Applications | Digital Literacy
word processing
computer fundamentals


Build essential skills with fun and engaging computer lessons for beginners. Courses for Google Drawings and Windows Paint.

word processing


Become an author. Use Google Docs or Word templates to publish books. Inspire young writers with fun story writing activities.



Create an All About Me slide show. Share facts using a Google Slides or PowerPoint template. Fun lessons for kids.

Computer Science
game development


Introduce coding with Scratch Jr lessons. Design silly scenes, feed a pet monster, explore a magical land, and more!

Ages 7-8 | Grade 2 or 3

Computer Applications | Digital Literacy
computer fundamentals


Ignite creativity! Spark young artists’ imaginations. Draw, color, and edit artwork using Microsoft Paint.

computer fundamentals
word processing


Explore digital art tools. Paint original images and display them in an art gallery using Google Drawings and Slides.

word processing


Publish a collection of books. Create a picture book, flip flap story, and more. Templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint.

word processing


Raise awareness about health and nutrition using Microsoft Publisher. Design a food guide, fitness poster, menu, and more!

Computer Science


Code a modern fairy tale. Use ScratchJr lessons to build scripts. Animate the hero embarking on a bold quest.




Primary technology courses are for beginners. They provide a foundation for learning. Activities emphasize fundamentals. Students create artwork, write stories, make presentations, and more!

Ages 6-7

Grade 1 or 2

Ages 7-8

Grade 2 or 3


sequence simple movement; set character speed; pause actions

sequence multiple actions; set character speed; repeat actions


build horizontal scripts with blocks; sequence simple events and loops; debug to fix errors

build horizontal scripts with blocks; sequence multiple events; trigger scripts to run

Computer Fundamentals

identify computer parts; use a mouse and keyboard; open & close a program; manage files

Digital Citizenship

use a digital ID to login; log off; protect password; follow computer rules; ask for help

share work; provide positive feedback; respect others' perspectives

Game Development

create simple games with Scratch Jr.; player clicks sprites to play

play offline coding game; design a quest using symbols to control player's movement


draw & format shapes; adjust tool settings (e.g., size, color); scale & position objects

paint using digital tools; erase errors; undo & redo actions; magnify objects


use templates; basic text & image formatting; apply transitions, play slide show

use templates; adjust object order; format wordart; apply a theme, set print settings


design publications for a target audience; format text & images to enhance the message

Word Processing

type, select & delete text; format font, size, & style; search & insert images; spell check

explore basic text & image formatting options; filter images in gallery by type

Primary technology courses are for beginners. They provide a foundation for learning. Activities emphasize fundamentals. Students create artwork, write stories, make presentations, and more!

How to Pick a Course

TechnoKids Primary Curriculum follows a progressive learning framework, where skills and competencies develop gradually across grades 1-3. Nevertheless, each TechnoKids course can be taught independently or combined with other titles to create a distinctive learning experience for younger students. Here are some recommendations for choosing a Primary course:

  • Consult the Scope & Sequence.

    This framework organizes courses according to grade level and age. The difficulty level of courses progresses from left to right. As a result, the course in the first column is appropriate for the beginning of the school year, while the one in the last column is better suited for the end of the school year.

  • Assess whether a course aligns with the developmental stage of your students.

    While the Scope & Sequence framework provides recommendations, it's essential to evaluate the specific needs of your learners. If they require more challenging tasks, opt for a course from a higher grade. Conversely, if your students require simpler assignments, select a course from a lower grade.

  • Consider the technology skill you are required to teach.

    Each TechnoKids course emphasizes a key digital literacy skill, which serves as the central focus of the lessons. For instance, the activities may highlight computer fundamentals, word processing, graphics, or coding. Select a course that matches your specific needs.

  • Integrate a course into an existing curriculum unit.

    TechnoKids courses offer flexibility as many of the tasks are open-ended. You can choose a course that aligns with a topic or theme you are currently teaching in another subject like social studies, mathematics, or language arts. For example, TechnoFit integrates into a health class, whereas TechnoStories is ideal for a story writing unit.

  • Choose a project you want students to create.

    Explore the course descriptions to understand the assignments students undertake. For instance, are you interested in having your students publish books, design a poster, paint artwork, or code an animated scene?

  • Identify the available software.

    TechnoKids courses use various applications including Microsoft Office, Google Docs, and Scratch Jr. Before making a choice, assess whether students have the required software on their devices.

  • Take into account students' interests.

    TechnoKids courses offer numerous opportunities to apply digital tools in creative ways. Discuss with your students which ones capture their interests. For example, they can decide to paint original artwork using Google Drawings in TechnoGallery or with Microsoft Paint in TechnoPainter.

Primary technology courses are for beginners. They provide a foundation for learning. Activities emphasize fundamentals. Students create artwork, write stories, make presentations, and more!