All Courses
Ages 6-18 | Grades 1-12Digital Literacy & Coding
Explore our comprehensive collection of project-based courses. Develop problem solving, computational thinking, and creativity.

Global Standards Driving Digital Intelligence Education
TechnoKids has been awarded the Powered by DQ seal. You can be confident that our
deliver high-quality learning experiences. Our program meets global standards for
digital literacy, skills, and readiness.
TechnoKids Collections align with multiple digital intelligence competencies within
DQ Global Standards (IEEE 3527.1TM).

Recommended Sequence
Ages 6-7 | Grade 1 or 2
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Build essential skills with fun and engaging computer lessons for beginners. Courses for Google Drawings and Windows Paint.


Become an author. Use Google Docs or Word templates to publish books. Inspire young writers with fun story writing activities.


Create an All About Me slide show. Share facts using a Google Slides or PowerPoint template. Fun lessons for kids.
Computer Science


Introduce coding with Scratch Jr lessons. Design silly scenes, feed a pet monster, explore a magical land, and more!
Ages 7-8 | Grade 2 or 3
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Ignite creativity! Spark young artists’ imaginations. Draw, color, and edit artwork using Microsoft Paint.


Explore digital art tools. Paint original images and display them in an art gallery using Google Drawings and Slides.


Publish a collection of books. Create a picture book, flip flap story, and more. Templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint.


Raise awareness about health and nutrition using Microsoft Publisher. Design a food guide, fitness poster, menu, and more!
Computer Science


Code a modern fairy tale. Use ScratchJr lessons to build scripts. Animate the hero embarking on a bold quest.
Recommended Sequence
Ages 8-9 | Grade 3 or 4
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Write reflective journal entries to build word processing skills. Engaging activities use Google Docs or Microsoft Word.


Boost search strategies, access resources, and practice Internet safety. Become a responsible digital citizen.


Present information effectively. Use Slides or PowerPoint to deliver a speech with a slide show and speaker notes.
Computer Science


Become a game developer. Build Jumble Tumble, Let’s Jam, Mystery Island, and more. Invite friends to an online arcade.
Ages 9-10 | Grade 4 or 5
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Master essential research skills. Create a Fun Fact Card in Google Docs or Word using word processing lessons.


Investigate a problem, conduct a survey, and propose a solution using Google Sheets or Excel spreadsheet lessons.


Animate a graphic story to make a one-of-a-kind cartoon. Digital storytelling lessons for Google Slides or PowerPoint.
Computer Science


Become a web designer. Develop digital citizenship skills. Construct a unique website with links to fun places for kids.


Develop an original game using Scratch. In the race, a player collects treasure to complete a mission before time is up.
Ages 10-11 | Grade 5 or 6
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Explore text, graphic, and page layout techniques. Revise a publication using Microsoft Word or Google Docs lessons.


Students plan a bake sale by organizing, graphing, and calculating data using Excel or Google Sheets lessons.


Illustrate the significance of historical events. Design an innovative graphic organizer in Google Slides or PowerPoint.
Computer Science


Invent a fun trivia game. Learn how to make a Google or Microsoft Forms quiz. Build questions and answer keys.


Program using Python and the Turtle library. Loop spirographs, construct a mad lib, invent a carnival game, and more.
Recommended Sequence
Ages 11-12 | Grade 6 or 7
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Design a professional-looking publication using Google Docs or Microsoft Word lesson plans. Build word processing skills.


Launch a business venture. Propose a unique restaurant concept with entrepreneurship lessons. Build financial literacy.


Promote a weekend getaway. Research a destination. Construct a compelling and persuasive advertisement.
Computer Science


Spark an interest in computer science with STEM lessons. Coders create an activity studio for their friends.


Imagine the future. Create an interactive science fiction story that explores AI in daily life using PowerPoint or Google Slides.
Ages 12-13 | Grade 7 or 8
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Compose a biography with a media gallery of artifacts. Word processing lesson plans use Google Docs or Microsoft Office.


Learn personal finance. Build a budget and justify a spending plan using financial literacy lesson plans.


Connect noteworthy people, significant events, and places. Map skills lesson plans use Google Slides or PowerPoint.
Computer Science


Code a one-of-a-kind web page with HTML and CSS lessons for beginners. Style text, graphics, and hyperlinks.
Ages 13-14 | Grade 8 or 9
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Become an environmental steward. Publish a powerful call to action using Google Sites, Docs, Slides, Sheets, and more.


Investigate an issue. Conduct a Google Forms survey to track popular opinion, display data, and interpret results.


Collaborate with a partner to debate the pros and cons of a controversial issue. Prepare a convincing animated debate.
Computer Science


Tackle programming missions: Pet Monster Rescue, Adventure Quest, and more. Share insights in a coding presentation.

TechnoBot AI

Program a drone delivery system, robot pick-up service, and self-driving bus to solve real world problems using AI.
Recommended Sequence
Ages 13-15 | Grade 8 to 10
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Promote an amusement park. Solve challenges: design Word posters, Excel surveys, PowerPoint ads, and more!


Play a stock market game. Form collaborative teams to trade stocks in fictitious companies. Write a report.


Create a digital scrapbook. Retouch, crop, warp, and superimpose images with Photoshop for beginners.
Computer Science


Design an information package about computer hardware with PowerPoint. Master advanced presentation skills.
Ages 15-16 | Grade 10-11
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Build advanced word processing skills using Microsoft Word. Compose a resume. Design advertising publications.


Catalogue a collection of items using a Microsoft Access database.


Develop media literacy skills. Analyze online behavior, then create a video ad using proven techniques. Summarize the campaign.
Computer Science

TechnoChatbot AI

Become chatbot developers. Improve the lives of others. Build an event chatbot, order chatbot, and virtual agent.
Ages 16-18 | Grade 11-12
Computer Applications | Digital Literacy


Become an event planner. Organize data into tables, forms, queries, and reports. High school database project.


Animate a graphic story using Adobe Animate lessons. Master motion tweens, shape tweens, character rigging, and more!
TechnoKids curriculum has a gradual progression of learning. Skills and competencies scaffold within and across grades. Understanding how technology courses build upon one another can help educators structure their lessons. Whether selecting one project for a unit of study, building a course, or launching a school-wide program, the TechnoKids Scope & Sequence provides recommendations.
Ages 6-8 | Grades 1-3
Ages 8-11 | Grades 3-6
Ages 11-14 | Grades 6-9
Ages 13+ | Grades 8-12

sequence simple movements; set speed; pause or repeat actions
sequence multiple actions; apply effects; rehearse timings; animate character poses
animate text & objects; trigger events using multiple methods; control timing
animate with tweens & rigging; create symbols; control events on a timeline & layers

Artificial Intelligence
explore emerging & futuristic tech; examine societal impact; invent AI prototypes
apply generative AI; build chatbots; explore AI concepts such as NLP & LLMs

build horizontal scripts with blocks; sequence simple events and loops; debug to fix errors
create programs with blocks or text coding; use variables; apply conditions
design programs that include loops, operators, lists, & global variables to complete a task
develop programs or web apps to solve problems; document design decisions

Computer Fundamentals
identify computer parts; use a mouse and keyboard; open & close a program; manage files
explain computer specs; match a device to a person's needs; define terms (e.g., CPU, RAM, ROM)

Data Analysis
analyze data; compare groups; graph; calculate; interpret results; report findings
conduct research; analyze data to predict values, justify conclusions; or explain an issue
investigate issues; build databases; apply data analysis techniques to formulate decisions

Digital Citizenship
use a digital ID to login; log off; protect password; follow device rules; respect others
Internet safety; search strategies; email; plagiarism; cite source; digital footprints
customize user profile; remix; recognize bias; control file sharing; co-create
apply skills to be a safe, responsible, and ethical digital citizen; limit data trackers

Game Development
create simple games with Scratch Jr.; player clicks sprites to play; offline coding
design simple games with Scratch or using the Python Turtle library; develop plot
develop games using Scratch or Python; use multiple player controls; game test

draw & format shapes; adjust tool settings; undo; redo; magnify objects
format borders; apply effects; rotate, skew, and flip; adjust object order; group; crop
align shapes to page or objects; recolor; merge shapes; set transparency
develop advanced drawing techniques; apply layer styles; wrap text on a path

Photo Editing
capture quality photos; apply filters; retouch; red eye; superimpose images

use templates; basic text & image formatting; apply transitions & design theme; play show
format objects, tables, & smartart; apply animations; add speaker notes; print handout
create master slide; insert headers & footers; use slide views; set kiosk mode; zoom
advanced formatting; hide slides; insert action buttons; output file in multiple formats

design publications for a target audience; format text & images to enhance the message
solve design problems; use headings to divide content, apply color theme that suits topic
express ideas clearly and concisely; format page layout to suit the publication
attract & hold audience attention, create horizontal & vertical white space to avoid clutter

organize data; format cells; sort data; graph; create formulas; adjust print settings
manipulate data using functions, formulas, filters & conditional formatting
examine data using pivot tables & charts; export data; set print area & page breaks

Video Production
produce a video; capture footage; insert, trim, & split clips; apply overlays; render

Web Design
create a website using WYSIWYG; apply theme; add banner, text, images, & links
design a web page using WYSIWYG or HTML; format text, images, & links; add meta tags

Word Processing
type, select & delete text; format font, size, & style; insert images; spell check; print file
create lists; adjust text wrap, copy & paste; set spacing & page margins; add page numbers
apply heading styles; generate table of contents; insert page & section breaks
advanced formatting; insert references; create bibliography; mail merge; set tabs
TechnoKids curriculum has a gradual progression of learning. Skills and competencies scaffold within and across grades. Understanding how technology courses build upon one another can help educators structure their lessons. Whether selecting one project for a unit of study, building a course, or launching a school-wide program, the TechnoKids Scope & Sequence provides recommendations.
How to Pick a Course
TechnoKids curriculum follows a progressive learning framework, where skills and competencies develop gradually across multiple grade levels. Nevertheless, each TechnoKids course can be taught independently or combined with other titles to create a distinctive learning experience for students. Here are some recommendations for choosing a course that aligns with your requirements:
Consult the Scope & Sequence.
This framework organizes courses according to grade level and age. The difficulty level of courses progresses from left to right. As a result, the course in the first column is appropriate for the beginning of the school year, while the one in the last column is better suited for the end of the school year.
Assess whether a course aligns with the developmental stage of your students.
While the Scope & Sequence framework provides recommendations, it's essential to evaluate the specific needs of your learners. If they require more challenging tasks, opt for a course from a higher grade. Conversely, if your students require simpler assignments, select a course from a lower grade.
Consider the technology skill you are required to teach.
Each TechnoKids course emphasizes a key digital literacy skill, which serves as the central focus of the lessons. For instance, the activities may highlight word processing, spreadsheets, video production, animation, or coding. Select a course that matches your specific needs.
Integrate a course into an existing curriculum unit.
TechnoKids courses offer flexibility as many of the tasks are open-ended. You can choose a course that aligns with a topic or theme you are currently teaching in another subject like social studies, history, or language arts. Alternatively, you can select a course to kickstart a unit of study, or as a culminating project at the end.
Choose a project you want students to create.
Explore the course descriptions to understand the assignments students undertake. For instance, are you interested in having your students write a biography, design a website, build an infographic, or develop a game?
Identify the available software.
TechnoKids courses use various applications including Microsoft Office, Google Docs, Adobe, and others. Before making a choice, assess whether students have the required software on their devices.
Take into account students' interests.
TechnoKids courses offer numerous opportunities to apply digital tools in creative ways. Discuss with your students which ones capture their interests.
TechnoKids curriculum has a gradual progression of learning. Skills and competencies scaffold within and across grades. Understanding how technology courses build upon one another can help educators structure their lessons. Whether selecting one project for a unit of study, building a course, or launching a school-wide program, the TechnoKids Scope & Sequence provides recommendations.