Coding Featured

Coding Collection

Introduce programming concepts. Design a game, create an interactive story, become an AI specialist, and more. Ignite an interest in computer science.

$599.00 USD / year

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TechnoKids Coding Collection | Programming Projects to Build STEM Skills

Primary | TechnoWhiz, TechnoTales

Junior | TechnoArcade, TechnoRace, TechnoTurtle

Intermediate | TechnoCode, TechnoHTML5, TechnoPython, TechnoBot AI

Senior | TechnoChatbot AI

Coding for Kids Activities

Build STEM skills with fun and engaging programming projects. Step-by-step instructions turn beginners into confident coders. Use Scratch Jr, Scratch 3, Python 3, HTML5 and CSS to create animations, games, digital stories, web pages, AI prototypes, chatbots, and more.

Sequenced Developmental Model

TechnoKids offers an integrated progression of coding skills in a collection of 10 programming projects. Competencies scaffold within and across grades. Start at Grade 1 with TechnoWhiz and progress to TechnoTales with Scratch Jr. In junior grades, code with TechnoArcade and TechnoRace using Scratch, and TechnoTurtle using Python 3 and the Turtle library. Advance to creating activities using TechnoCode with Scratch and TechnoPython with Python 3 in middle school. Then learn HTML coding with TechnoHTML5. Solve real world problems using AI with TechnoBot AI and TechnoChatbot AI in senior grades. Teach all or any project on its own – no previous experience needed! Whether introducing coding to beginners, building a computer science course, or launching a school-wide program, the Coding Collection is an complete and comprehensive programming curriculum.

Explore Multiple Coding Apps and Languages

Introduce students to a rich variety of coding experiences. Projects use Scratch Jr, Scratch, Python 3, HTML5 and CSS, and Bot Libre.

Foster Essential Life and Career Skills

Promote life skills such as problem solving, communication, initiative, responsibility, and creativity. The planning, decision making, troubleshooting, and collaboration needed to complete coding activities enhance invaluable job and life skills. TechnoKids’ coding for kids activities build coding skills in addition to 21st century soft skills and career readiness.



Additional information


Starter, Classrooms


IDLE Python 3, Bot Libre, Text Editor, Scratch, Scratch Jr

Starter License Includes

online teacher guide, online student workbook, get started, course slides, printable assessment tools, sample files, extension activities, certificates, parent letters

Classroom License Includes

online teacher guide, getting started tips, course calendar, class management tools, online student workbook, online assignments, printable assessment tools, online quizzes, student reporting, sample files, extension activities, certificates, parent letters, templates

Tech Integration

business studies, computer science, language arts, math, media arts, science, social studies, visual arts

Tech Skill

animation, artificial intelligence, coding, data analysis, digital citizenship, graphics, internet, presentation, web design


grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, grade 7, grade 8, grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12

Product Type


Spark an Interest in Computer Programming

TechnoKids' Coding Collection is an integrated bundle of 10 projects to teach programming skills throughout elementary, middle, and high school grades.
  • TechnoWhiz: Become a programming whiz kid. Build simple scripts and loops.
  • TechnoTales: Code a fairy tale. Build scripts to animate the story events.
  • TechnoArcade: Design arcade games with Scratch coding blocks.
  • TechnoRace: Become a game developer. Program a racing game using Scratch.
  • TechnoTurtle: Solve mazes, produce artwork, and invent games using Python 3.
  • TechnoCode : Build games, puzzles, and stories using Scratch. Coders create an Activity Studio.
  • TechnoHTML5: Spark an interest in programming by coding a web page with HTML and CSS.
  • TechnoPython: Program a series of games using the Python programming language.
  • TechnoBot AI: Construct prototypes that solve real world problems.
  • TechnoChatbot AI: Become a chatbot developer. Build an event chatbot, order chatbot, and virtual agent.

STEM and Programming Skills for Kids in Grades 2-12

The Coding Collection is a complete bundle of projects to teach computer science. Spark an interest in digital literacy with fun animations, scenes, and creative stories in primary grades with Scratch Jr. Become a game developer in junior grades. Use Python 3 and the Turtle library to conquer mazes, paint pixel art, create a Mad Lib Generator, and design a carnival game. Build an activity studio with puzzles, mazes, art, and music in middle school using Scratch. Introduce Python text-based coding with a series of programming missions. Then construct a unique web page with HTML5 and CSS. Explore artificial intelligence by designing creative solutions to real world problems. In high school grades, create chatbots to discover how AI eliminates routine, repetitive tasks.
  • Plan ideas using an organizer
  • Sequence the steps in a task using coding blocks
  • Build scripts that direct the movement, look, and timing of events
  • Apply conditional logic, create variables, and use broadcasting
  • Foster computational thinking to tackle problems
  • Debug errors to find and fix a mistake in a script
  • Create the structure of a document using HTML and CSS
  • Develop a plan that solves real-world problems using AI
  • Plan and organize chatbots that will perform specific tasks
  • Reflect upon the coding experience

Coding Collection | Programming Curriculum Collection


A collection of technology projects for Scratch, Python, HTML, and more! Computer Science activities are ideal for Grades 1 - 12.


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How long does it take to teach a course?

Every course includes a schedule. It lists the time recommended for each assignment. Typically, it takes between 30-60 minutes to complete an assignment depending on the grade level. Based on this time frame, a typical course takes between 360-600 minutes to complete. This is about 6-8 weeks if your students have computer class twice a week. However, if your students have computer class every day, a course can be completed in about 2-3 weeks.

How do I decide which assignments to teach?

You may not have the time to teach an entire TechnoKids course. The good news is that TechnoKids offers flexibility. Many courses can be shortened by omitting assignments or lengthened by including skill reviews and extension activities. You can easily adapt the course to suit your schedule. Refer to the Ideas for Implementation section in the teacher guide for suggestions.

Does the course integrate into other subjects?

TechnoKids courses are inter-disciplinary. This means the lesson plans blend computing skills with general content areas such as language arts, geography, or business studies. If you do not have a dedicated digital literacy class, refer to the Technology Integration Suggestions section in each teacher guide for ideas on how you can include the course in other subject areas.

Is the course a subscription?

Yes. When you purchase a course, you have access to the instructional materials for 12 months. After that time, should you want to continue, you will need to renew the subscription.

Is the course online?

Yes. You must sign into TechnoHub to access the course content from your bookshelf. The teacher guide and student workbook for a course are available online only. However, resources such as assessment tools, handouts, course slides, templates, and samples are downloadable.