TechnoKids Complete Collection | STEM Curriculum Includes Over 40 Project-Based Courses
Primary | TechnoBookmaking, TechnoFit, TechnoGallery, TechnoMe, TechnoPainter, TechnoStart, TechnoStories, TechnoTales, TechnoWhiz.
Junior | TechnoArcade, TechnoCandy, TechnoEditor, TechnoInternet, TechnoJournal, TechnoPresenter, TechnoRace, TechnoResearch, TechnoSales, TechnoSite, TechnoTimeline, TechnoToon, TechnoTrivia, TechnoTurtle.
Intermediate | TechnoBiography, TechnoBot AI, TechnoBudget, TechnoCode, TechnoDebate, TechnoEarth, TechnoEnvironment, TechnoHTML5, TechnoMap, TechnoNewsletter, TechnoPython, TechnoQuestionnaire, TechnoRestaurateur, TechnoTravel.
Senior | TechnoAd, TechnoAdvertise, TechnoAnimate, TechnoChatbot AI, TechnoInvestor, TechnoMission, TechnoPhotoshop, TechnoPlanner, TechnoSpecialist, TechnoWonderland.
Complete Digital Literacy Curriculum for Grades 1 – 12
The Complete Collection includes more than 40 digital literacy and coding courses, making it an ideal choice for educators teaching multiple grades or implementing a school-wide initiative. TechnoKids curriculum features a progressive learning structure, with skills and competencies building gradually within and across grades. Educators can effectively structure their lessons by understanding how the courses complement each other. For guidance, educators can refer to the TechnoKids Scope & Sequence framework. Whether planning a specific unit of study, developing a technology course, or introducing a new computing program, the Complete Collection is the comprehensive solution.
Fundamentals to Mastery
The Complete Collection is designed for students ages 6-18, or in grades 1-12. The curriculum progresses from basic tasks to complex projects requiring proficiency in multiple software applications. Students start by learning foundational skills and then progressively enhance their capabilities to achieve expertise.
Apply Software in Novel Ways to Engage Learners
The Complete Collection empowers students to explore innovative uses of software applications. As they progress through the curriculum, they acquire new digital skills that enable them to create a diverse range of projects. For instance, in the Primary grades they begin using Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint to design presentations. Moving through the Junior, Intermediate, and Senior grades, students advance to producing graphic stories, timelines, interactive maps, and advertisements – all with the same software. This not only keeps learning fun but also introduces students to limitless possibilities.
Integrate Technology into Curriculum
Offering unparalleled flexibility, the Complete Collection enables teachers to choose courses tailored for digital literacy, coding, or computer science classes. Simultaneously, they can seamlessly integrate TechnoKids courses into existing curriculum units. The inclusion of open-ended tasks simplifies the integration of TechnoKids courses into traditional subjects such as social studies, history, geography, language arts, and more. The power of choice is in your hands.
ICT and STEM Curriculum that Prepare Students for the Future
TechnoKids courses within the Complete Collection follow a project-based approach, allowing students to engage in hands-on learning. Taking on roles such as artists, authors, animators, game developers, entrepreneurs, web designers, travel agents, AI specialists, digital marketers, and more, students learn to proficiently use Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Scratch, Python, HTML, and Adobe Photoshop. This equips them to express original ideas, communicate effectively, and solve problems, preparing them to become the IT leaders of tomorrow. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –