
Senior Collection

A collection of 10 courses emphasize real-world applications. Prepare students for future learning and careers.

(2 Reviews)

$399.00 USD / year

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TechnoKids Senior Collection | Digital Literacy, STEM, and CTE Courses

The Senior Computer Curriculum Collection prepares students for higher learning and career readiness. Courses emphasize real-world applications of technology and are designed for students aged 13 and up. The collection offers 10 courses: TechnoAd, TechnoAdvertise, TechnoChatbot AI, TechnoSpecialist, TechnoMission, TechnoInvestor, TechnoPlanner, TechnoWonderland, TechnoPhotoshop, and TechnoAnimate.

High School Computing Curriculum

TechnoKids Senior Collection is a progression of competencies that scaffold upon skills acquired in elementary and middle school grades. Students achieve and master a high level of expertise in all areas of digital literacy. Examine the TechnoKids Scope & Sequence framework to view all the advanced senior level courses.

Unlock Opportunities for Career Choices with STEM Skills

Promote advanced word processing, data analysis, presentation, graphic design, video production, and animation skills that students need today and in the future. Develop essential technology competencies that can be applied to any school project or 21st Century job. Build critical professional and life skills such as persistence, communication, creativity, time management, and teamwork.

Digital Literacy Courses for Grades 8-12

The TechnoKids high school computing curriculum challenges students with authentic tasks, resulting in higher engagement and a deeper understanding of tech skills in real-world scenarios. In addition, the senior level courses foster higher order thinking. Students take on the role of theme park managers, digital marketers, IT specialists, stock market investors, event planners, and more!

Adaptable Computer Science and ICT Courses

Incorporate courses in the Senior Collection as part of a curriculum unit, computer class, or school club. Computer science instructors, business teachers, media arts specialists, and librarians use the versatile lesson plans in their programs to make learning meaningful, providing students with the opportunity to acquire essential technology, interpersonal, and workplace skills.

Master Advanced Technology Tools

Teens attain mastery in Microsoft Office, programming, video production, and popular graphic design tools like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Animate.

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13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18


grade 8, grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12


Animate, Blender, Bot Libre, Access, Excel, Forms, Photoshop, Sheets, Docs, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, Scratch

Tech Skill

animation, artificial intelligence, coding, computer fundamentals, data analysis, digital citizenship, graphics, photo editing, presentation, spreadsheet, video production, word processing


Starter, Classrooms, School

Starter License Includes

online teacher guide, online student workbook, get started, course slides, printable assessment tools, sample files, templates, extension activities, certificates, parent letters, online student workbook

Classroom License Includes

online teacher guide, getting started tips, course calendar, class management tools, online student workbook, online assignments, printable assessment tools, online quizzes, student reporting, sample files, extension activities, certificates, parent letters, templates

School License Includes

online teacher guide, getting started tips, course calendar, online assignments, printable assessment tools, online quizzes, student reporting, sample files, extension activities, certificates, online student workbook, parent letters, templates

Product Type


Real-Life Scenarios with Authentic STEM Challenges - Digital Literacy for High School

  • TechnoAd: Become digital marketers. Research target audience to design a video ad campaign.
  • TechnoAdvertise: Master Microsoft Word by designing professional marketing materials.
  • TechnoAnimate: Explore animation techniques using Animate CC to create a visual story.
  • TechnoChatbot AI: Develop chatbots that answer questions and automate simple tasks.
  • TechnoInvestor: Apply logical reasoning to manipulate stock trades using Microsoft Excel.
  • TechnoMission: Understand data management systems. Build a Microsoft Access database.
  • TechnoPhotoshop: Support the creative process with photo editing lessons using Photoshop.
  • TechnoPlanner: Dive deeper into database development. Operate a party planning venture.
  • TechnoSpecialist: Design an information package about technological devices with PowerPoint.
  • TechnoWonderland: Promote Microsoft Office competency using a fun amusement park theme.

Digital Literacy Tasks to Engage Tech-Savvy Teens

The Senior Computer Curriculum Collection includes student-centered activities that infuse a project-based approach into learning. Course support creativity and individualization. Use the STEM resources as part of a computer science, information technology, marketing, entrepreneurship, business studies, or media arts course. Teach vital ICT skills students need to excel in the workplace of tomorrow.
  • Establish an awareness of ICT and STEM related careers
  • Build professional skills such as goal setting or teamwork
  • Problem-solve to tackle real-world problems
  • Develop mastery of Microsoft Office
  • Transform an abstract notion into a concrete idea
  • Manipulate digital media to design publications
  • Synthesize and disseminate information effectively
  • Express creative ideas using graphic design applications
  • Apply digital tools for data manipulation
  • Collaborate with others and work effectively in teams

Senior Collection | High School Computing Curriculum


A collection of projects emphasize real-world applications. Prepare students for future learning and careers.

2 reviews for Senior Collection


    I have had great success using your TechnoKids Curriculum. For 8 years, I have been teaching computer class to students who are hearing impaired. The program includes Microsoft, PowerPoint, Access and Excel skills, all of these things I have been looking for in building a solid foundation for students. The students are actually using the programs in their classroom for a project. A former student came for a visit and shared that he was happy that he knew the skills required in a unit involving Excel and mentioned that he was already “ahead” of his peers. Your curriculum has made a huge difference in our computer class and we are proud to use it in the classroom.
    DePaul School for Hearing and Speech,Pittsburgh
    January 25,2016

    I started using the Senior Curriculum and so far I love it. I am excited to get all of the projects and start incorporating them into all of the computer classes at our school.
    Centerville Public Schools,Sand Coulee
    August 28,2015
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How long does it take to teach a course?

Every course includes a schedule. It lists the time recommended for each assignment. Typically, it takes between 30-60 minutes to complete an assignment depending on the grade level. Based on this time frame, a typical course takes between 360-600 minutes to complete. This is about 6-8 weeks if your students have computer class twice a week. However, if your students have computer class every day, a course can be completed in about 2-3 weeks.

How do I decide which assignments to teach?

You may not have the time to teach an entire TechnoKids course. The good news is that TechnoKids offers flexibility. Many courses can be shortened by omitting assignments or lengthened by including skill reviews and extension activities. You can easily adapt the course to suit your schedule. Refer to the Ideas for Implementation section in the teacher guide for suggestions.

Does the course integrate into other subjects?

TechnoKids courses are inter-disciplinary. This means the lesson plans blend computing skills with general content areas such as language arts, geography, or business studies. If you do not have a dedicated digital literacy class, refer to the Technology Integration Suggestions section in each teacher guide for ideas on how you can include the course in other subject areas.

Is the course a subscription?

Yes. When you purchase a course, you have access to the instructional materials for 12 months. After that time, should you want to continue, you will need to renew the subscription.

Is the course online?

Yes. You must sign into TechnoHub to access the course content from your bookshelf. The teacher guide and student workbook for a course are available online only. However, resources such as assessment tools, handouts, course slides, templates, and samples are downloadable.